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The Shine the Light Project raises awareness about one of the greatest human rights issues facing humanity today - human trafficking for sexual exploitation and forced labor through the arts. 


Through art, a language that crosses all demographics, races, ages, and cultures, we seek to Shine the Light on the dark, hidden secrets that are prevalent in many industries - food, fashion, technology, and the sex trade - to create a call to action.

Our mission is to produce events - conferences, performing arts presentations, art shows, film and and music festivals - that tell the story of human trafficking and labor exploitation. Artists, musicians, dancers, film makers, authors and activists are invited to join in this mission and lend their gifts, so that together we can bring an end to modern day slavery.


The Shine the Light Project works in partnership with your school or organization to customize a program that educates and empowers people to create change - locally and globally. We open up the eyes of the naive to the dark world of human trafficking and modern day slavery,

through films that raise consciousness, 

profoundly moving art shows, and performances from dancers, actors, and musicians who share the common goal of making freedom for all a reality - once and for all.  


 Join the movement to free people from human trafficking and labor exploitation. We'd be honored to be a part of your school or organization's awareness campaign to bring an end to modern day slavery and human trafficking.








"Human traffickers are earning

billions of dollars

on the backs and in the beds

of our children,

and yet no one knows

this is happening. 

We have a huge responsibility, right now, to learn the truth and act on it."



Director of Not My Life














A Movement to Free People From Human Trafficking & Exploitation 

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