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Dorina Leslie,

A Chick with a Mission 

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone that creates many ripples."


~Mother Theresa of Calcutta 

Following a life-changing spiritual awakening in late 2011, Dorina Leslie listened to the whispers of her soul and became a holistic healer. Catapulted into a heightened state of consciousness, a profound sense of peace and love surrounded her. It was all very overwhelming at first. Dorina spent the entire first year of her awakening learning about things she never knew about before - Reiki, the chakra system, and life force energy. She began meditating and quieting her mind, so the messages from Spirit could be heard. 


With the gift of healing energy flowing through her hands,  Dorina began studying Reiki in the winter of 2012. Later that spring, she answered the call to become a massage therapist. Having been a stay-at-home mom to her three kids for many years, going back to school was not an easy decision. Despite the obstacles, Dorina took the plunge in her mid- 40s and faithfully forged ahead with her mission.  She was being guided to bring her gifts into the world to help humanity heal, and this was all part of some greater plan that had yet to be revealed to her.  She decided to move farther on, just like her muse, Jackson Browne, speaks of in one of her favorite songs about trusting the path that lies before you, Farther On.  


Halfway through the 20-month massage therapy program aka "Med School", Dorina received a book from her brother that would change her life. A Walk Across the Sun by Corban Addison is a novel that shines the light on human trafficking in India, Paris, and the United States. Dorina knew - down to her very soul - that she was meant to help these victims of human trafficking as part of her calling...she just didn't quite know how to begin taking on this larger-than-life human rights issue. Again she moved father on.  She continued with her studies of anatomy and physiology and kept this special book tucked away. She would simply wait for the sign that she knew would come in her Magdalene journey. Sure enough, it did.


In the summer of 2014, Dorina was guided to attend some Magdalene Feast Day events. She found one being hosted by a group called It Was the Women Who Stayed  from St. Francis Xavier Church in the lower village of Manhattan. Dorina almost fell off her chair, for they had asked this burning question: 


"How can we help Mary Magdalene raise one hand to the Good News of the resurrection

and the other to help her stop

human trafficking?" 


It was there on the alter of St. Francis Xavier Church that Dorina's entire world cracked wide open, as she listened to four testimonials from women who'd been victims of human trafficking, coerced with promises of a better life, then abducted, emotionally and physically abused, humiliated, shamed, and sold for profit - over and over again. The Shine the Light Project is the answer to St. Francis Xavier's Magdalene Feast Day question. And so the journey began.


In her spare time, Dorina loves to dance, walk, practice hot yoga, write, listen to music, and spend time with her family skiing, hiking, or solving puzzles.  She is honored to be following this calling. 









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