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Boot the Braids Campaign 


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Learn how the Coalition of Immokalee Workers have literally eradicated modern slavery in 90% of tomato farms in Florida, with their worker-driven Fair Food program. It's one of the most successful human  rights programs of all-time. This program holds farmers accountable for treating their employees - the hard-working tomato farm workers who bring in the crops - with dignity and respect. 
Since its inception in 2001, the Fair Food Program has successfully negotiated deals with four of the five major fast-food chains, Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King, and Subway are all in agreement and gladly pay one cent more per pound for the tomatoes they buy.  
One penny per pound is a mere pittance. It doesn't sound like a lot, right? Because this penny per pound gets passed along to the farm workers, it makes a world of difference in their everyday lives. It helps them earn decent wages for their hard work. And with strict regulations in place to monitor fair  practices, there are consequences for farms that violate the code of conduct expected of them, keeping farm workers safe from physical abuse, violence, and sexual exploitation.
The idea is that vendors like Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King, and Subway are unable to purchase their tomatoes from offending farms, until the problem has been resolved. It's in a farmers best interest to maintain good working conditions for their farm workers, so they can continue to prosper. In this way, everyone benefits. 
Unbelievably, Wendy's has refused to join the band wagon, and they've continually refused to meet with the CIW for a discussion on how the Fair Food Program would benefit everyone in the supply chain - from the farm workers, the farmers, the distributors, the vendors, and you, the consumer. 
Let's Shine the Light on Wendy's and help the Fair Food Alliance and the Coalition of Immokalee Farm Workers get Wendy's to finally, finally - FINALLY!!  get on board with this successful Fair Food Program.
Be a part of the celebration that's yet to come in 2016!
   Read More:
The Fair Food Program and the Boot the Braids Campaign 
Blog Post: Boot the Braids"
Blog Post: Hey, Wendy's! Got Love  For Tomato Farm Workers?
Call Emil Brolick, CEO of Wendy's
The Timeline for the Wendy's Campaign
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